Driving Directions:

Trailhead and parking area are on Rt. 2 in Randolph, NH. The walk begins at the large parking area for Castle Trail, on the southern side of the road. This is 4.2 miles east of the junction with Rt. 115 and 8.3 miles of Rt. 16 in Gorham. Click here for a Google map.

About the Hike:

Rolo Fall is a less-known scenic stop just off Route 2 through Randolph. A very seasonal cascade, it is best seen in the springtime or after a heavy rain. It takes only a quick walk along a mostly graded path to reach, so it is worth a stop if you are in the area. From the trailhead, face away from the road and turn left onto the Presidential Rail Trail. Walk for a little over 0.1 miles, passing the gate, and turn right at a paper trail sign. Follow a recently-cut connecter path through a small strip of woods and turn left onto a grassy road. The road swings around to the right, with the heights of the northern Presidentials rising overhead. It transitions into a gravel path and crosses a powerline cut. The path makes a short switchback and heads uphill into the woods. It soon reaches a spot in front of the little waterfall with a bench for you to enjoy the sight of the minor stream tumbling over a short cliff in front of you.


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